Blog Posts

If you know of a blog post that isn’t listed, please file an issue so we can add it!


Peter Hutterer: Flatpak portals - how do they work? September 2021

Lionir Deadman: Flathub, runtimes and stats June 2021

TheEvilSkeleton: Response to February 2021

Phaedrus Leeds: Cleaning Up Unused Flatpak Runtimes January 2021


Alexander Larsson: Scaling Flathub 100x November 2020

Alexander Larsson: Compatibility in a sandboxed world August 2020

Alexander Larsson: Putting container updates on a diet May 2020


Matthias Clasen: More on Flatpak Updates December 2019

TingPing: Hardening Flatpak Permissions Over Time October 2019

Matthias Clasen: Some Flatpak Updates October 2019

Robert McQueen: Flathub, brought to you by… August 2019

Matthias Clasen: Settings, in a Sandbox World July 2019

Alexander Larsson: Introducing flat-manager March 2019

Alexander Larsson: Changes in Flathub land February 2019

Matthias Clasen: What’s New in Flatpak 1.2 January 2019


Matthias Clasen: Flatpak Commandline Design December 2018

Matthias Clasen: An Update on Flatpak Updates November 2018

Robert McQueen: Flatpak, sandboxes and security October 2018

Alexander Larsson: Moving away from the 1.6 freedesktop runtime October 2018

Matthias Clasen: Flatpak, After 1.0 October 2018

Alexander Larsson: Flatpak on windows September 2018

Matthias Clasen: On Flatpak Dependencies September 2018

Matthias Clasen: About Flatpak Installations August 2018

TingPing: Using host Nvidia driver with Flatpak August 2018

Alexander Larsson: Kick-starting the revolution 1.0 August 2018

TingPing: Easier Flatpak manifest editing with VSCode August 2018

Alexander Larsson: The birth of a new runtime August 2018

Matthias Clasen: Flatpak Portal Experiments August 2018

Matthias Clasen: Flatpak - A Look Behind the Portal July 2018

Matthias Clasen: The Flatpak BoF at GUADEC July 2018

Matthias Clasen: Flatpak, Making Contribution Easy July 2018

Matthias Clasen: Flatpak in Detail, Part 3 July 2018

Alexander Larsson: Flatpak - a history June 2018

Matthias Clasen: Flatpak in Detail, Part 2 June 2018

Matthias Clasen: Flatpak in Detail June 2018

Alexander Larsson: Flatpak inception April 2018

TingPing: Flatpaking application plugins March 2018

PointestStick: Flatpak support in Discover January 2018


TingPing: Status of emulators Flatpak’d October 2017

Alexander Larsson: On application sizes and bloat in flatpak October 2017

Simon McVittie: DebConf 17: Flatpak and Debian August 2017

Robert McQueen: Welcome, Flathub! July 2017

TingPing: Flatpak now supports themes May 2017

Simon McVittie: GTK hackfest 2017: D-Bus communication with containers March 2017

Matthias Clasen: Debugging a Flatpak Application January 2017


Simon McVittie: Flatpak in Debian June 2016

Simon McVittie: GNOME Developer Experience hackfest: xdg-app + Debian January 2016